Come and join the kick off to the 2024/25 season with out annual club day on Saturday 31st August.
Pitch 1
08:45-10:00 - Under 8s & under 10s
10:30 - Ladies 1s & 2s
12:00 - Ladies 3s, 4s & 5s
14:00 - Men's 1s v South Saxons
Pitch 2
08:45-10:00 - Under 8s & under 10s
11:00 - Men's 2s - 8s intra club tournament
08:45-10:00 - U8's & U10's
10:00-11:00, pitch 2 (09:35 meet) - U14 boys
14:30-16:30, pitch 2 - U12 mixed tournament
15:30-17:00, pitch 1 (15:00 cage warm up) - U14/U16 girls
We welcome any interested new players. Please email and we can advise which session is the best for you to attend